retailer support
We support and advise retailers in the management of their quality system. This
includes the daily follow-up of complaints, bullying management, interpretation of
analyses, implementation of quality controls, complaint management, supplier audits,
support of recall and withdrawal, risk analyses, and so on.
AMNorman delivers a total package with, among others:
specification management and labeling
Does your company comply with the most recent regulations and legislation? From
labeling and claims to specifications… AMNorman shares its knowledge and offers
support in every field.
project management
A thorough analysis is what we always start with, followed by the creation and
implementation of an action plan. This way we manage one or more projects in a
systematic way.
supply chain
Integrating quality throughout the supply chain is familiar territory for AMNorman.
Balancing quality requirements and controls throughout this chain is an absolute
necessity. Additional training means added value for your organization.
hygiene inspections
Hygiene inspection is essential to keep the food safety level high. Uniformity, time
gain, handling of deviations and the coaching of internal employees are crucial here.
AMNorman has its own auditors with the right competences. The hygiene inspection
and reporting happen through an online tool focusing completely on the processes
within the company.